Part 2
Here we go again.
I should have realized something was wrong different from all those clues:
My wife crying because she got so emotional from watching TV ads.
Those 11 p.m. "Hey hun, wanna share a bag of popcorn with me?" cravings.
Hypersensitive smell when I was cooking belacan fried rice "What are you cooking, fermented poop??" (I love how Kris doesn't mince her words)
Yup. Just as we're going into Alli's Terrible Twos, we found out we have Number 2 on the way! And no, it wasn't an 'accident'- heh, admittedly I was 'Cina' enough to want to have a Dragon baby.

So, we will start taking online bids for the baby name.
Bidding, Ladies and Gentlemen, starts at US$100.