This is Veronica. My new baby.
I finally decided to accept a fellowship position here for endocrinology, (or hormonology for you non-medicine types). That will keep me here for another 4 years (including my senior resident year). With that, I decided to spoil myself, and traded in my Ford Escort for a new 2004 Honda Accord coupe. And I got the works too; leather interior, moonroof, 6 CD, satellite radio.
Why Veronica? Well, I've always had a crush on Archie's girl. And the black colour reminds me of her hair. Just don't tell Hemant; his wife happens to have the same name.
Probably doesn't show because of the reflection from the camera flash, but the plates say SUGRBOY.
(Get it? Endocrine= diabetes= sugar?)
Then again. Chinese guy with sunglasses and a number plate like that: people probably think I'm a pimp!