Thursday, September 01, 2005

Show of patriotism

Was surprised at the number of bloggers who blogged in Malay today. And the this was driving me nuts because in my mind, I had to translate things to English before I could follow the stories. It was kinda like 10 year old kid expecting to read Enid Blyton but finding advanced quantum physics instead, in LATIN, no less.
You know it's bad when your Malay's starting to sound like "Gua dali sekolar menengah san pol, Selemban mali punya."
I take full responsibility for this though; has something to do with being away since 1998, so I'm getting rusty.
Me, my show of patriotism will have to be limited to hanging my 6 inch Malaysian flag up in my gym, since I can't speak fluent Bahasa now. But that's gotta look bad too, a 6 inch flag beside a 5 foot American and Canadian flag (but I swear, I had a full sized Jalur Gemilang, until the president of the Malaysian club at my uni stole it 5 years ago. No kidding!)
"Err, makcik. Gua doktor. Mau periksa lu punya tetek."
(I swear to God that line was actually used by someone I know who spent years in Canada)