Tuesday, March 07, 2006

An amazing woman is gone.
Dana Reeves, wife of Christopher Reeves, died of lung cancer at the age of 44.
In his autobiography, "Still Me," Christopher wrote that he suggested early on to his wife, "Maybe we should let me go."
She responded, "I'll be with you for the long haul, no matter what. You're still you and I love you."
Those were "the words that saved my life," Christopher Reeve said.
Now, a year and half after he passed on, she joins him.
In a way, this has been an inspiring and refreshing story of love and devotion between a man and a woman. Despite a catastrophic spinal cord injury. Especially in the apparent shamdrudgery of Hollywood 3-week-marriage love.
She stood by him for the 9 years he courageously lived his life after his injury.
I can only imagine how difficult it was for her to live the last year after he was gone.
One can only hope, that we are all that lucky when we pick our partners in life.
As Morrie put it (Tuesdays with Morrie- Mitch Albom); love each other, or perish.
Wherever they are, at least they're together again.