Thursday, December 31, 2020

End of the year

What a year it's been. 

2020 started off with so much promise. What with those of us raised with that motto of Wawasan 2020. Alas, it turned out to be a horrible year; one with so much suffering, tears, heartbreaks, losses. Over 300,000 lives lost to COVID19. I've personally had over 30 patients I know of contract the disease, and have her a handful of patients lose their lives. Those who did not get the infection are still left isolated- I think of elderly people, those who are not tech-savvy- who are left alone at home or isolated in their nursing homes from family and loved ones. Those who might have lost their jobs and livelihoods and suddenly face financial insecurity, not knowing how they would feed their families.

I count myself lucky- so far, no one in my family has had (knowingly) COVID. And yesterday, I received my first shot of the vaccine.

It will be some time before the masses get vaccinated. It will be some time before this pandemic comes to an end; however I'm hoping and praying that this is the beginning of the end, and that this marks the first steps humanity takes to wipe this pandemic out.

Here's hoping to a more promising 2021.