Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy 2020!

Happy New Year.
It's surreal, thinking it's 2020. A whole new decade (though the mathematicians and purists amongst use would argue the new decade starts in 2021...). Especially those of my generation, having grown up in Malaysia, there was that neverending talk to Wawasan 2020, a dream that seemed so distance you never thought it would get here.
Much happened in 2019- some hits, some misses, and some near-misses- but still, much to be thankful for.
We almost lost a good friend last month- he essentially coded and required CPR and external defibrillation (thankfully the people he was with were trained) because of an acute myocardial infarction- leading to a 3-vessel CABG. He's OK now, thankfully- and if you know the odds of pulling through an episode like that, you really it's miraculous that he's alive, and his kids still have a dad.
Also recently our friend remarried after having lost her husband Buddy to cancer over 8 years ago. We've known that the love never goes away even long after one has passed on, but we've hoped for some time that she would meet and fall in love anew again, so we were ecstatic hearing the news that she did meet someone and got married. Buddy- bless his soul- would approve I'm sure.
At home, I continue to be amazed by how quickly the kids are growing. I'm sure I'm not the only parent who- deep inside- yearns for the days when he has a small toddler or baby still, and wishes there was a way to slow things down or reverse the clock (then again I'm an endocrinologist....).
Another notable event in the last decade- my amazing wife went on to get her doctorate despite working full time and being a mother to 4 (the kids, the dog and me!). The pride is immeasurable.
Here's to another exciting decade- Happy New Year everyone!