Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Countdown

The countdown has begun.
Yup, I depart for the good old USA in a few hours. I miss my wife and kids terribly and can't wait to see them, and it's been a really productive trip. In a way, travelling solo is easier as I'm much more flexible with time. No need to worry about bedtimes, or whiny or tired kids, or whether a place is kid-friendly. So this trip, I've been able to cram in much more social events than previously possible. I got to meet up with friends I have not seen for over 26 years, believe it or not. By a stroke of luck and coincidence it was my high school reunion, so it was surreal seeing vaguely familiar faces- people you kinda knew a lifetime ago- but you don't know remember their names.
It'a also great to meet up with your buddies. Yes, we have good friends where we live. But there's something to be said for soulmates, the kind of friend with whom you can truly be yourself, who have known you all your life. For some, the last time I saw them was maybe 8 years ago- yet it's amazing how we just click back into place like I never left. It was great to see my brothers again.

I also did the customary food checklist- and went down it, some foods 3 times even (nasi lemak!). Considering I am signed up for a half marathon in a month, I'm going to have to work this off when I get back.
But it's always a treat coming back for a visit. It's always heartwarming to hear the local accents and dialects, and to see the familiar sights and hear the sounds; though the haze is perhaps dampening that somewhat.
Until our next visit (CNY 2020!), take care of my Malaysia!